Working with a senior fitness specialist has always been the safest and most effective way to achieve your health and wellness goals and we are now offering outdoor personal training.

All Covid-19 compliant senior fitness personal training sessions are designed to increase overall strength and flexibility with a focus on mastering movements important to improving the quality of everyday life and are designed to increase cardiovascular health and range of movement. 

To set up your FREE senior fitness consultation in Palm Springs call 760-884-8840 or email


Senior Fitness Palm Springs is now offering virtual personal training from any device, at a fraction of the price you’d pay for ordinary personal training!!

How It Works
Our senior fitness trainers will ask you about your fitness goals, exercise history, how much time you have to exercise, what equipment you have access to, and more.

We will then design and implement a customized fitness program that is safe, effective and specifically tailored to your individual needs. 

You meet with your trainer on any device as we walk you through the workout.

To set up your FREE virtual senior fitness consultation in Palm Springs call 760-884-8840 or email


Falls are a leading cause of injury and death among older adults. In 2014, about 1 in 3 adults aged 65 and older reported falling, and falls were linked to 33,000 deaths.

If you want to reduce the risk of falling, regular exercise may be your best bet, according to the latest recommendations from the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force.

Studies have shown that exercise programs focused on strength and resistance training, as well as balance and gait reduce seniors risk of falling.

Schedule your FREE consultation to learn how Senior Fitness Palm Springs can help you reduce your risk of falling.

Give us a call at 760-884-8840 or drop us an email at We look forward to helping you!


Wellness Coaching is a great option for seniors during this difficult time. 

Our coaches help those who are looking to improve their lives develop a wellness plan that fits your lifestyle during these challenging times. 

If you are struggling with motivation, our coaches are skilled at helping seniors prioritize and determine the next right action. They can even help you work through your healthy eating challenges and habits. 

Whatever your fitness goals are, including trying to lose weight, become more active, or meet new people, our wellness coaches are here to support you along your journey.

To set up your FREE wellness consultation in Palm Springs call 760-884-8840 or email

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